Profils Paysans : L'approche (2001) Showtimes

1. Profils Paysans: l' approche (2001) | IDFA Archive

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  • Using a fixed camera, Raymond Depardon filmed a number of French farmers in their stables and at their kitchen tables. He had known some of them for years, but the bashful peasants had always barred him from their houses. Now they have all ‘retired’, but are unable to say goodbye to the farming life, if only because there are fewer and fewer young countrymen willing to take over their farms. The proverbial simplicity of the farmer’s life is negated by Depardon, who uses sober images to register the troubles of the farmers and their wives – supporting these with facts in a voice-over. An 85-year-old farmer’s wife from Les Cévennes tries to do business with her distant neighbour in the Occidental dialect and an old farmer from Haute-Loire still personally negotiates the price of his cattle. An eye operation throws a spanner in the works, and this only the beginning of his physical decline. Depardon starts out as a stranger penetrating the farmers’ secluded lives, but by the end of the first episode of his documentary, he is part of their world, even being allowed to attend a funeral. The end credits read: To be continued...

2. Profils Paysans: L'Approche Showtimes | Fandango

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  • Buy Profils Paysans: L'Approche tickets and view showtimes at a theater near you. Earn double rewards when you purchase a ticket with Fandango today.

3. Profils paysans: l'approche (2001) - Letterboxd

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  • The first of a documentary serie about rural France.

4. Profils paysans: L'Approche by Raymond Depardon on VoD

5. Profils paysans: le quotidien (2005) - Plex

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  • Second documentary of a trilogy produced on the long term (together with Profils paysans: l'approche (2001) and Modern Life (2008)), showing the simple lives of farmers in contemporary Southern France.

6. Profils paysans, chapitre 1 : l'approche - Film documentaire 2000

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  • Le cinéaste-photographe Raymond Depardon propose ici un voyage dans le monde rural. Il dresse pour la postérité un portrait plein de tendresse des paysans, une catégorie socio-professionnelle trop souvent oubliée, que seules des catastrophes climatiq

7. Profils paysans : L'Approche de Raymond Depardon (2001)

8. Profils paysans : L'Approche -

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  • est le site francophone de référence et la plus grande base de données collaborative de documentaires.

9. Profils paysans - La trilogie en DVD et VOD sur ARTE Boutique

  • Profils paysans - La trilogie. 2001. Société. France. 04h13. STSMvf. 8 avis. mes ... Profils paysans - L'approche. Location VOD 3,99 €. Achat VOD 9,99 €. Plus d ...

  • De 1998 à 2008, Raymond Depardon a entrepris un long voyage cinématographique pour suivre l'évolution de la vie agricole en moyenne montagne.

10. Profils paysans : L'Approche en VoD - Film de Raymond Depardon

  • Voir le film Profils paysans : L'Approche de Raymond Depardon en streaming et VOD ou téléchargement sur UniversCiné.

  • Voir le film Profils paysans : L'Approche de Raymond Depardon en streaming et VOD ou téléchargement sur UniversCiné

11. Profils paysans, chapitre 1 : l'approche Bande-annonce VF

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  • Regardez la bande annonce du film Profils paysans, chapitre 1 : l'approche (Profils paysans, chapitre 1 : l'approche Bande-annonce VF). Profils paysans, chapitre 1 : l'approche, un film de Raymond Depardon

12. La vie moderne - IFFR EN

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  • Third part of Depardon's Profils paysans trilogy. He interviews idiosyncratic French country dwellers, often far from eloquent, about their tough and

Profils Paysans : L'approche (2001) Showtimes


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.