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Why, in Sailor Moon, of course!
The specific episode is unknown for certain. To all you Sailor Moon fans out there, keep an eye out! Then infom me at (my email) and I'll give you some inside info on Sailor Moon, Bleach, Inuyasha, Blue Dragon and everything else you can think of. Plus, if you send it before December 31st, 09, I'll send you the lyrics to - inuyasha, change the world - raye, starry night - plus, if you're lucky, a few of my own inventions!
To all those Inuyasha and Sailor Moon fans, you've got great taste in shows!
Miranda Smith,
QC Actually, they first kiss in episode 54, also known as "Serena Times Two" you can watch it at! Haha, I've been watching through every episode to figure that out!
**Many people say that Serena and Darien share their first kiss in ep. 54, but they really share their first kiss in the first season episode 22/18 "Worth a Princess's Ransom" / "Romance Under the Moon! Usagi's First Kiss"**
EDIT: THE KISS IN EPISODE 22/18 "Worth a Princess's Ransom" / "Romance Under the Moon! Usagi's First Kiss" WAS A DREAM....JUST SAYING =)
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In the original 1990s anime, we never actually saw them get married--we saw a dream sequence (or two) of an imagined wedding, but never the real thing. Lots of anime merchandise, such as collectible cards, stickers, and posters, was created with even more wedding scenery, although none of it was used in the show.
In the manga, we did see Usagi and Mamoru get married in the final act.
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It's hard to say what episode they actually "fell" in love in,but they realized each others' true identities and protected oneanother to the fatal detriment of Tuxedo Mask in episode 30 of theEnglish dub (episode 36 of the original Japanese). In that episode,Zoycite planned a trap to get the final Rainbow Crystal in Darien'spossession, after she discovered Tuxedo Mask's true identity in theprior episode. Serena wound up trapped along with Darien, and whenZoycite sent flames hurtling down the elevator shaft Serena andDarien were trapped (and getting to know one another more closely)in, she opted to reveal her dual identity as Sailor Moon in orderto save them both.
Later in the same episode, when Zoycite aimed to double-crossTuxedo Mask by hurtling a large crystal shard at Sailor Moon'sback, Tuxedo Mask took the blow for her, dying in her arms. Thistragedy prompted Sailor Moon's tear to transform and gather theRainbow Crystals into the Silver Crystal, and Sailor Moon totransform into Princess Serenity.
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After the first arc/season of Sailor Moon, yes.
In the second part of the second season of the Sailor Moon anime("Sailor Moon R"), the anime diverges from the manga plot by havingDarien [Mamoru in the original Japanese] experience visions thatlead him to believe that if he stays in a romantic relationshipwith Serena [Usagi], that she will die. He breaks up with her as aresult, but they get back together before the end of theseason.
They continue to date throughout the next several seasons,despite a few occasions when Darien is brainwashed or otherwisetaken prisoner by the enemy. In the fifth and final season, and inthe final arc of the manga, Darien gives Serena a ring beforedeparting on a flight to America to attend school at Harvard. It isimplied that he was proposing to her, but when he doesn'tcommunicate with Serena at any point during his stay, she isn'tsure what to think.
In the anime, unbeknownst to Serena and the other Scouts, SailorGalaxia attacked Darien on his flight; in the manga, she attackedhim in front of Serena before Darien could even board his plane,and Serena blocked out the memory of Darien dying before hereyes.
At the end of the series, Darien and the other Sailor Scouts arereborn. In the anime, Serena says that she is sixteen years old andthe champion of justice, Sailor Moon, right before she and Darienkiss in the light of a full moon. The series concludes with theimplication that Serena and Darien will continue to date until somepoint in the future when they marry and conceive Rini, with CrystalTokyo being formed after an unknown event that decimates Earth'ssurface and requires putting the people of Earth into athousand-year sleep.
In the manga, Crystal Tokyo is formed and Serena and Darien wed,and Serena comments that their timeline's version of Rini is on theway.
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Serena and Darien (their Japanese names are Usagi Tsukino andMamoru Chiba) were never shown getting married during the presentday however based on the future time that Rini came from it wasshown that Serena and Darien do wind up married at some point andthey eventually become Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion, theQueen and the King of Crystal Tokyo.
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